We Care
Our goal as a church is to grow together as a ‘caring congregation’ that expresses the love of Christ within our community and beyond. With that goal in mind, below are some of the ways we seek to fulfill our calling.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary, carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Care through the congregation
- Prayer opportunities to share concerns in our worship services and to be part of a prayer chain to either request prayer or pray for others.
- Stephen Ministers who have received special training and listen to and care for individuals experiencing challenging times.
- Caring Friends that fosters fellowship through guided conversations.
- Parkinsons’ Support groups for those dealing with the disease or caring for somebody.

Care through Board of Deacons
If you or someone you know enters the hospital or a rehab facility, notify the church office at: 908-233-0301. Our pastors visit members when informed about hospitalizations.
Contact the Church Office
- For care emergencies happening after hours.
- When hospitalized or entering rehab and asking for prayer or a pastoral visit.
- To request an appointment or visit from a pastor.
- In the event of the death of a loved one.
Care emergencies after hours
The church office is open Monday through Friday 9AM – 5AM. However, one of our pastors is always on-call. If you have an emergency and would like to reach someone after the church office has closed, please call the church office, 908-233-0301, for information on how to reach the current person on-call.
Call Church Office 908-233-0301