The Presbyterian Church in Westfield Affinity Groups & Activities

There many ways to engage in the life of PCW with opportunities for participation that are both recurring and one-time.
PCW ministries are organized in four areas: Worship, Family ministries, Congregational Life and Support ministries.
Read on to learn more about where you can use your Spiritual Gift(s) in our community of faith. If you wish to participate, volunteer and/or lead, contact the PCW church office: 908-233-0301 and let them know which PCW Affinity Group(s) and/or Activities interest you.
- Worship Support – A group that works to provide meaningful worship experiences and support for the staff & liturgy (i.e. preparing communion elements & recruiting servers; providing visual enhancements to worship spaces to amplify sermon themes; scheduling Invitation to the Life of the Church speakers; recruiting & training ushers).
- Creative Worship – A team that explores and implements innovative worship experiences.
- Children's Message (traditional service) – A 2-5 minute segment during the traditional worship service to share a message tailored for children.
- Invitation to the Life of the Church Speaker (traditional service, online service and wired service) – A speaker who shares the impact of PCW on his or her life and invites others to engage in different church events and activities. The speaker may also introduce myPCW giving/the offering.
- Ushers – Volunteers who assist with seating, hand out programs, and collect the offering during worship services.
- Greeters – Volunteers who welcome people as they arrive at church and help newcomers feel comfortable.
- Post-Service Reception Host – Volunteer(s) who help organize and host a reception after the worship service to encourage fellowship between the wired and traditional worship services.
- Chancel Choir – A group of singers who lead and enhance worship services through traditional choral music.
- Bell Choir – A group that gathers periodically through the church year to prepare music for worship services.
- Wired Band – A group of musicians who lead and enhance worship services through contemporary music.
- Wired Audio Engineering – A group responsible for managing the visual and audio equipment during worship services and special events.
- Technical Director(s) – A person or group responsible for managing technology and multimedia during worship services and special events.
- Children's Choir – We plan to begin this group anew as we continue to re-imagine church life after the pandemic. Please let Paul Sanner know if your child is interested (or if you would like for your child to be interested) in participating.
Children & Youth Faith Formation
- Youth
- Confirmation – A program that prepares young people (typically freshman in high school) to confirm their faith and become full members of the church.
- Confirmation Leaders & Mentors – A group of adults who share their faith and mentor confirmands. Leaders lead regular small group discussions in conjunction with confirmation classes; mentors meet periodically with confirmands to share their faith journey and discuss any questions their assigned confirmands may have.
- Christian Education
- Sunday School – Weekly educational programs that occur during worship services for children and youth that teach Christian principles and biblical stories.
- Vacation Bible Camp – A week-long summer program for children that is led by adults and combines learning, activities, and worship.
Youth Mission
- High School Mission Trip – An annual trip for high school students to participate in mission work and service projects.
- Middle School Mission Opportunities – Service opportunities and projects for middle school students, which may include a trip.
- Mission Trip & Mission Opportunities Advisors – A group of adults who chaperone the youth during mission trips and projects.
- Agape Elizabeth Community Kitchen – a youth-led mission program serving a weekly hot meal to guests in Elizabeth.
- Cooking for Agape – Preparing food for meals served at the Agape Elizabeth Community Kitchen.
- Attending Agape with the Youth – Chaperoning youth at the Agape Elizabeth Community Kitchen; may include driving youth to Elizabeth.
- Coordinating Volunteers & Meals – Organizing volunteers and meal planning for the Agape Elizabeth Community Kitchen.
Youth Fellowship
- Advisors – Adults who love working with children and/or youth to share their faith and ensure there is a safe space for them to participate in various groups, activities and events.
- Middle School Breakfast Club – A fellowship group for middle school students that meets once a week on a school day morning for breakfast and discussion. Adult volunteers also serve breakfast (typically bagels) and drive the kids to school.
- High School Fellowship – A group focused on fellowship and spiritual growth for high school students.
- Movie Nights – Social events featuring movies for various age groups.
- Retreats – Spiritual retreats for different age groups to foster personal and spiritual growth.
- Youth Small Groups – A variety of small groups focused on fellowship and spiritual growth.
- Ski & Tubing Trips – Fellowship events for youth that involve skiing and snow tubing.
- Summer Fun Events – One-off social events and activities for youth and families during the summer months.
- Family Fun Days – Events designed for families to enjoy together.
- Parents Afternoon Out – A program providing childcare so parents can have an afternoon to themselves.
- Easter Egg Hunt – A fun event for children to search for Easter eggs.
- Christmas Pageant – A theatrical production celebrating the Christmas story.
Spiritual Development
- Adult Small Groups
- Curriculum Writing – Creating educational materials and discussion guides for small group studies.
- Small Group Facilitator – A leader who guides discussions and activities for small group participants, as well as organizes the group to meet at different times/spaces.
- Small Group Participant – A member of a small group focused on fellowship and spiritual growth.
- Adult Faith Formation
- Questers – A group focused on personal and spiritual growth through Bible study that meets on Sunday mornings before worship.
- Theology Discussion Group – A group focused on exploring and discussing theological topics throughout the year.
- Dawn Patrol – A group that gathers weekly early in the morning for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study.
- Education/Learning/Speakers/Seminars (past examples: Racial Justice, Listening for God: Josh Mauldin, Celebrating Sabbath, Immigration) – Events and programs featuring guest speakers and seminars on various topics.
- Generosity – A group focused on promoting a culture of generosity of time, talent & treasure within the church and everyday life.
- Engagement & Connection – A group that strives to engage all persons, helping everyone to find a home at PCW. The group also hosts programs & tours to welcome and orient new members to the PCW church community.
- Mission
- Mission Team – A group focused on local, national and global mission work.
- Agape Local – A group of adults who coordinate needs and distribute food and household supplies each week to feed families in the local area. A larger group also donates food and household supplies.
- Zambia – A group involved in mission work in partnership with PCW’s sister church in Livingstone, Zambia.
- Lifelong Connections
- All-Church Meals – Fellowship events featuring shared meals for the entire congregation.
- PCW on the Lawn Community Day – An outdoor event promoting fellowship and fun for the church community.
- Christmas Carols, Cookies & Cocoa – A festive event featuring caroling, treats, and warm drinks.
- Presbyterian Women (PW) – A group focused on fellowship and spiritual growth for women that meets monthly in “circles”. PW also raises funds through bake sales and other events for donation to mission causes.
- Retreats – Retreats for women and men focused on spiritual growth, renewal and connection.
- Caring Friends – A group of individuals who meet monthly to connect and reach out to people in need of support and love.
- Parkinson’s Support Group – A group providing resources and support for those affected by Parkinson's disease.
- Visitation – A ministry focused on visiting and supporting homebound or hospitalized church members.
- Stephen Ministry
- Stephen Ministers – Trained laypeople who provide one-on-one Christian care for individuals experiencing life challenges.
- Stephen Leaders – Individuals responsible for training, supervising, and supporting Stephen Ministers.
- Operations & Property – A group responsible for managing and ensuring the well-being of the church's office and property.
- Burial Grounds – A group responsible for the maintenance and care of the church's burial grounds.
- Craftsmen – A group that that meets weekly and works together to repair, create and build items for use in the church and community.
- Stewardship – A group focused on managing the church’s financial resources, including asset management, developing/updating financial protocols & procedures, guiding & informing Session on the state of PCW finances, and facilitating a multi-year budgeting process.
- Communication
- Writing – A team that assists with writing content for church publications and communication.
- Photography – A team that captures and shares images of church events and activities.
- Social Media – A group responsible for managing and updating the church's social media platforms in conjunction with PCW’s Communication Specialist.
- Website – A group responsible for maintaining and updating the church's website in conjunction with PCW’s Communication Specialist.
Living generously is about much more, but not less, than our financial resources. It means loving God and loving our neighbor. It means being generous in our relationships by extending Christ’s love, grace, humility and forgiveness. When we embrace generosity as a way of life, we see where God is at work – in our church, our community, our world, and ourselves. When we live generously, we have the opportunity to change lives – maybe for a moment, maybe for a lifetime.