
When Christ calls us to be part of the life and mission of his church he accepts and embraces us as we are. Here at the Presbyterian Church in Westfield we extend a warm welcome to all as a witness of Christ's embrace.

We are a fellowship of believers seeking to follow and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ in our personal lives, our community and beyond. Through worship, mission and the proclamation of the Gospel.

Since 1728, we have been a faith community, guided by the Holy Spirit, evolving in the eyes of God. The overwhelming love of God, our heritage and our beliefs compel us to serve, with joy and humility, through our individual lives and congregational ministries and programs.


As a community rooted in grace, our mission is to:


Invite people into a relationship with God

The Presbyterian Church in Westfield is a blossoming community where we invite you to grow a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We believe that a relationship with God changes lives. Experience your heart being drawn toward God as we gather to worship. But don’t stop there…


Grow together as devoted followers of Christ

Find a place in the church where you can grow in faith and love. The Presbyterian Church in Westfield is a large church composed of many small groups and mid-sized fellowship groups where close bonds are developed and spiritual growth occurs. We encourage everyone who joins our church to also join a small group where you can question, study, learn, serve, receive support from and care for others. But don’t stop there…


Serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit

The Presbyterian Church in Westfield does not exist for the sake of its members, but for the sake of the world God loves in Jesus Christ. Being part of the Presbyterian Church in Westfield means being part of a mission that impacts lives through concrete service and sharing the gospel. God wants everyone to experience the joy that comes when you discover God using you to reach out with the love of Christ to others facing life’s struggles. Discern your unique gifts for ministry. Explore how your work can be an avenue of service to God and others.


Leslie Dobbs

Leslie Dobbs Allsopp

Interim Senior Pastor

Paul Sanner

Director of Music, Organist
(908) 215-8913

Kevin Wilkin

Director of Contemporary Worship

Pam Shaw

Clerk of Session
Marcy Ryan

Marcy Ryan

Associate Pastor for Congregational Life
(908) 215-8905

Jennifer Crawford

Director of Operations and Finance
(908) 215-8904

Kerry Jules

Communications Specialist
(908) 215-8912

Betty Born

Church Secretary
(908) 215-8908
Carlos Guzman

Carlos Guzman

Facilities Manager


The Presbyterian Church in the West Fields of Elizabethtown was established in 1728, when twelve to eighteen of the early settlers built a log house for worship near what is now Benson Place. A great drum was sounded to call people to services....


We invite you to visit our church's cemetery, the Burial Grounds of the Presbyterian Church in the West Fields of Elizabethtown, that has been active since 1737.

It has been in the National Register of Historic Places since 2007. It is the final resting place of the founders of Westfield, veterans of American wars (including 73 veterans of the Revolutionary War) and serves the congregation by maintaining an active section for cremation burials of church members.
